
Sunnier Days!

 In the midst of all this crazy rain, it is hard to remember that it was sunny and amazing a little over a week ago. Here are some shots I took last week when the sun was still out....


Sunlight Frontage

This is the view from accross the street- now that our construction barriers are all down. It is great to see how it relates to the surrounding neighborhood, and how the landscaping is starting to fill in.

FLOR party!

We had a great time on Thursday night at the opening of the new FLOR showroom in Santa Monica. It is a great spot right accross from Santa Monica Place, and they have really done a great job of creating a place that is full of light, creativity and design potential. Lots of choices, which is great, considering that there is not a place currently in LA where you can see such a wide array of FLOR carpet tile options...


what a day!

 We had our photo shoot yesterday and it was so great. Just perfect weather (finally) and everything just flowed so well....Thanks to everybody for all the hard work. Lisa and Yolanda were great!!!! Just a couple sneak peaks for you all.....


The "urban meadow" is going in!

We are really excited to be working with Sean Knibb on our landscaping for Proto Homes....This is the first installation at our Sunlight residence and it is going to be beautiful!


Light and Color

We are hanging lights and painting like crazy. The photo shoot is next week and we are going over the house and picking up all the details......fun, and exciting to be this close to seeing this house become a home!


Fall light

The days are getting a little shorter and the house is gathering a few leaves and other signs of fall. The light is changing in the house and it makes it feel new all over again.... 


Getting Colorful!

We are in the process of finishing the painting on the interiors and also some exterior cladding as well. The colors are simple and clean- crazy how much time it takes to come up with simple solutions, right? (much more to come soon!!!)


The latest and greatest

So, we are getting all the final details in...getting ready to do the finish paint and lay our hardwood. We will be complete in the next week or two, from our guesses, so that is exciting! Here are some shots from around the site this week (the image above is the garage door- the cladding turned out great).

(this is what the garage looks like from the inside)

(Kitchen is almost complete)

(modern take on beadboard)
(upstairs cabinets coming together)
(the entry way garden walls are clad now, too)


Night Shots

This past weekend, we had most of the lighing hooked up to controls (no actual fixtures yet, just bulbs for now...), so we decided to see what the space felt like at night. I wish the shots were better (darn the iPhone 3G with no flash....) But you still get a little idea.

Hardscape sight lines

As the hardscape was finished, it was great to see the lines that were exaggerated in the house itself because of the walkways and drive....When the landscaping is in, it will really leave a strong impression.


site shots

Here are some shots from around the house this week.
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